Farm begins to re-open
May 29, 2019 — On Monday we will begin our reopening process with a limited number of students coming to the farm for lessons. We will open up to more students once it is safe to do so. We have employed the following new procedures:
- Everyone entering the facility will have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer. Additionally, health questions will be asked at check-in.
- Facial coverings must be worn when moving through any common areas. Students, volunteers and instructors will be wearing facial coverings during any contact portions of lessons.
- Safe distancing of 6 feet apart is to be followed.
- Surface disinfecting will be done on an hourly schedule.
- All equipment used by students and volunteers will be disinfected after use.
- Frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer is expected.
- Coughing or sneezing must be into one’s elbow or into a tissue that is discarded.
- Anyone showing symptoms of illness or who has been in contact with anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 will be asked to go home.
Click here to watch a video explaining the process.
Thank you for your part in keeping everyone safe!