Coronavirus update
Dear Friends,
We hope this finds you, your family and your friends all safe and healthy. Governor DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton have stated that they believe Ohio is at the top of “the curve” and will likely start seeing a decline in new cases soon. This is good news for our state. Therefore, we wanted to reach out to let you know what is going on at Fieldstone Farm.
First off, we cannot begin to tell you how truly grateful we are for the support that so many of you have shown during this challenging time. Your offers to help have meant so much. Our staff continues to care for our horses, who are all well. They also continue to create numerous virtual learning opportunities, as well as fun interactions between the instructors, students and volunteers. If you’d like to check out some of our new content, click here: https://www.fieldstonefarm.org/newsandevents/check-out-new-content/ .
With the hope that our restart will be a reality sooner than later, our management team is working on plans for how our reopening will occur once it is safe to do so. There will undoubtedly be new protocol in place and we will need everyone’s cooperation as we cannot risk the health or safety of any of our people. We’ll continue to keep you updated as plans progress and we are able to phase back into our lesson operations.
Meanwhile, please continue to stay well so that we can all get back together as soon as possible. We miss you all!
Lynnette Stuart
Chief Executive Officer